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Childrens Clinic


We are frequently presented with children conditions ranging from muscular pains, back ache, cervicogenic headaches. 

As a child develops at a rapid rate any complications such as a broken ankle or wrist can alter function in years to come. Tight spinal muscle can twist the spine, poor school seating posture can alter joint function, growth spurts can affect knees and backs. All these things are sadly bracketed as ‘growing pains’ but left uncorrected may lead to future problems.

We find that children with Autism and Down’s syndrome respond well to gentle osteopathic treatments assisting digestion.

We are happy to communicate with your G.P if areas of concern arise and can direct you to the relevant specialist if required.

What do we treat?

Minor digestive conditions.
Cervicogenic headaches.
Growing pains.
Post injury rehabilitation.

Do I need a G.P referral? 

No........... Only if you are claiming the costs through insurance.


Contact Mother & Baby Clinic

577 Dunstable Road | Luton | Bedfordshire LU4 8QW  |  Tel: 01582 575045

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